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@Friendica Support
Eine kleine Sache habe ich für euch noch für den #Hackathon.

Wenn ich ein Bild hochlade unter /photos und die Option Keine Status-Mitteilung für diesen Beitrag anzeigen einschalte wird das Photo nicht als extra Beitrag veröffentlicht. So weit, so gut.

Wenn ich aber nun ein Event oder einen Beitrag mit diesem Photo veröffentliche, wird zusätlich zu diesem Event oder Beitrag noch einmal seperat ein Beitrag mit dem Photo veröffentlicht. Dieser extra Photobeitrag erscheint aber nicht im eigenen Stream, sondern nur auf im Stream der Remote Seite.

Vielleicht könnt ihr da mal rein schauen.


Heute hat das Landgericht Halle das Urteil gegen das soziokulturelle Zentrum @Hasi (Socialcenter) gesprochen (PM der HaSi zum Urteil). Mit Inkrafttreten kann die stadteigene Wohnungsgesellschaft HWG das Projekt räumen.
Die HaSi hat eine Online Petition gestartet um auf den Stadtrat einzuwirken und doch noch die Räumung zu verhindern. Bitte unterzeichnet die Petition. Schickt sie an Bekannte und Verwandte. Helft mit den letzten halleschen selbstverwalteten Freiraum in der Innenstadt zu bewahren. Link zum Projekt:

Link zur Petition:

Issue with contact deletion

@Friendica Support

Can someone confirm (test) the following issue for Friendica RC?

Contact A does have a mutual friendship with contact B. Both are Friendica contacts. If contact A deletes contact B, contact B is removed from the contact list of contact A.
But contact A won't be removed from contact B contact list.
OK testing results.
Dropping contacts works like a charm again. So here is everything fine again.

I don't know how unfollowing was intended.
At the moment it seems to work this way: Contact A unfollows contact B and contact B becomes a fan in contact A's contact list. Contact A is still a mutual friendship in contact B's contact list.
If contact A wants he/she can visit the contact entry of contact B in his/her own contact list and can upgrade the relationship again to a mutual friendship.

Like I said the only thing which is unpolished is that contact B isn't noticed when contact A degrades contact B to a fan. But maybe we can implement something similar like it is done for dissolving (
This entry was edited (7 years ago)
this doesn't happen.

Hypolite Petovan doesn't like this.

1455 #NoG20 | Pfarrer der Johanneskirche duldet Barrio auf Wiese seit 12:00. Noch viel Platz in St.Pauli, Max-Brauer-Allee, Sternbrücke
#yeswecamp #schlaflosinHH

1400 #NoG20 | 1. Barrio in Hamburg steht seit 12Uhr in St.Pauli, Max-Brauer-Allee, Johanneskirche an der SternbrückeBild/Foto
#yeswecamp #schlaflosinHH

Die Erklärung,
"Immer wenn wir solche Camps hatten, ist es zu schweren Ausschreitungen gekommen"
ist ein bisschen wie die Tatsache, dass in Regionen mit mehr Störchen auch mehr Kinder geboren werden.
#noG20 #YesWeCamp #schlaflosinHH

Wer Party feiern kann, kann auch feste drauf hauen.....
#friedel54 #Polizeigewalt #Räumung #wirbleibenalle #gentrification #zwangsräumungverhindern

@Friendica Developers

Hi @Michael Vogel I have a problem with dba::select(). It seems that this function doesn't work without parameters. E.g.:
$g = dba::select('photo',
	array('width', 'height'),
		'resource-id' => $image_id,
		'uid' => local_user(),
		'scale' => 2

gives me no result. It seems that the $sql (query) is constructed correctly in dba:select()but something happens while executing dba::p() so dba::select() don't output the result.
Or is this an intended behavior?
Ahh ok, this may be the cause of the error,

@Friendica Developers
Just to demonstrate how helpful our #doxygen docu could be while writing code
I can't see the full-size images since your SSL certificate has been revoked according to Chrome.
Yes newer versions of FF and Chrome revoke the WoSign CA certificates.
Problem is that I'm on a shared host (netcup) and don't get LetsEncrypt certificates in an easy way (with automatic renew)

If anybody knows a very simple way to create LetsEncrypt certificates (for all my subdomains) with a reminder after 3 months to update the certificates, let me know.
Works for me. Firefox 53.0.3

@Friendica Developers

I have just realized that when I open a profile page from the "new" global directory, the zrl parameter isn't transmitted anymore to the opened profile.

@Hypolite Petovan
Can you have a look on this issue
The fix has been deployed on, thanks for your vigilance!

notifications/intros module don't seem to work

@Friendica Support

can anybody confirm the issue that notifications/intros don't work.

Everytime I try to call that page I get a 500 Internal Server Error. The php error log don't show any errors.

I use the latest 3.5.2RC
Should I close the PR?
No. I think it could be changed like proposed there.

@Friendica Developers
Can anybody explain to me how the browser desktop notifications work in friendica? Every time when I log into friendica I get over half an hour different desktop notifications.
but.. but.. in js you can use 0 or false.. and
≫ x = 0
← 0
≫ !x
← true

But the former PR with !e.seen didn't work as expected

@Friendica Developers@Hypolite Petovan
after moving Text_Highlighter to composer vendor directory the sample.css is missing. It was loaded in view/theme/templates/head.tpl and view/theme/frio/templates/head.tpl .
Ahh cool. I also wanted to change it but I haven't found the file sample.css. :-)

@Friendica Support

While I did some searching with friendicas fulltext search and tag search I noticed that there are many top-level posts from diaspora users in my stream. So I looked in the db. And I noticed that I'm the only person on my instance who does have connections with diaspora users (and this two contacts are not real diaspora contacts. They are hubzilla contacts.)
Social relay is disabled.

So why do I have that many top-level posts from diaspora users who no one knows?

SELECT COUNT( `a`.`id`) AS `total` 
FROM `item` a 
LEFT JOIN `item` `b` ON `a`.`id` = `b`.`id` 
INNER JOIN `contact` ON `a`.`contact-id` = `contact`.`id` 
WHERE `a`.`id` = `b`.`parent` AND `contact`.`uid` = 0 AND `contact`.`network` = 'dspr'

This entry was edited (8 years ago)
Sounds there's also some space for improvements for Diaspora as well. They can reduce the traffic and spare the bandwith and computing time when they don't send out the messages. But it's their decision for sure.

The option to use it can be deactivated. BTW: This full text search doesn't really work on a little bit larger servers due to our database structure.

Tech Preview - Frio Album Gallery

This entry was edited (8 years ago)
OK I have to change to the developer branch. So this tech preview will be no longer available.

Your comment has created this public post. I've uploaded the picture with the option to not posting it to the wall. But I guess that this option isn't saved with the picture in the db.
We create an item for every photo - they just aren't all visible. The comment doesn't create it, it just lets you see it.

@Friendica Developers

The last days I transferred some developer documentation from the friendica github wiki to the help section in friendica.

Some question came to my mind:
How can we lower the barrier for users to participate at the user documentation?
How can we avoid to have different data at different platforms (to lower maintenance work)?

There exist a possibility to sync the github wiki between any source:

This would give the regular users the possibility to know nothing about git and to use the wysiwyg editor for participating at the documentation. He/she would only need an account at github
We just should not get tied to close to github, should they turn into sourceforge... but as the Wiki is then part of the repository that should not be a problem.
Right. But this would rather mean that we have to take care that we don't depend in critical areas on github.
I would say documentation is critical ;-) but as it in a repository and we have copies of it that are pushable elsewhere I think it is ok in this case.
I would say documentation is critical

Yes, yes true. What I meant was that there have to be always the possibility to take our stuff and move on to other services (meaning to have no dependences on "github only" features)

@Friendica Developers

Please have a look at:

Is there a reason why we need (`url` = '%s' OR `nurl` = '%s'). Why do we need to include url into this query?

I'm asking because I have two connection request from Tim Schlotfeldt. One with http scheme and one with https scheme. But it is the same profile.

I would like to remove url in dfrn_request.php to avoid this behavior. Just want to be sure if anybody knows about possible side effects.

@Friendica Developers

is there a way to call in array_walk() a callback static function/method which is inside a class? I tried array_walk($arr_tags, array('ParseUrl', 'arrAddHashes')); (it should use ParseUrl::arrAddHashes() as callback) but it doesn't work
Although the actual callback function should have this form:
function callback(&$value[, $key]) {
    // Processing
    $value = $new_value;
If you want to work with a function that returns the result instead of modifying the parameters, array_map is more indicated.

@Friendica Developers@Friendica Support

I just noticed some issues with the plink (link to source) and the scheme handling of the plink.

I don't know if it is a wrong configured server setting but when I want to visit an item of @Hypolite on Friendica through "link to source" I will redirected to his page with the scheme http instead of https. With the scheme http I get some 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' errors and the awesome font icons aren't loaded

My question is, should we really remove the scheme from the plink? Even if its a public post why shouldn't we use a secure transport protocol if it is available?

Announcement: cal addon has been moved to core

@Friendica Support
In one of the last commits in the develop branch I implemented an public calendar for the profile page. This calendar is available under cal/NICKNAME and is visible if you visit a foreign profile page.

The public calendar containing all personal events of the profile owner while respecting all permissions of the event (groups, deny and so on).

I think this is a big step forward to use friendica for event announcements (e.g. if the profile owner is a club or an organisation).

After merging the code for the public calendar I noticed that there was a conflict with the cal Addon which uses the same path. (the cal Addon allows you to export your events). So I have moved the code of the cal Addon to core and have marked the call addon as unsupported.
If you are on latest git develop you can enable the export function for the puplic calendar in you personal settings.

Note for friendica admins:
If you are on latest git develop please go to your admin settings and disable the cal addon. Afterwards update your addon directory to the latest git friendica-addons.

Some things for polisching

ok, then I will change this behaviour of vcard/hacard in the evening. Community Forum = approve Request automatically, private Group = the owner of the Forum must accept the Request

Regarding the Fan Account I thought users would not have the same rights. They would accepted as Fans not as Friends. I haven't used it so far. From my understanding a Fan is something different than a Friend. My intention was to give the user a visual notice if the account is something like an info channel (like the heise (inofficial) ) and not a regular account
We should test - but I hope that it is possible that someone follows a "Fan account" but then the owner of the fan account is following you as well.

The differance between "regular account" and "fan account" is more like Facebook vs. Google+. In Facebook the other person has to approve your contact request. On Google+ a person can follow you at every time.

@Friendica Treffen 2015

Ich wünsche euch ein schönes Friendica Treffen in Zwenkau. Ich kann leider nicht g dabei sein. Dafür geht in 3hie Maschine nach Griechenland :-)
Auf jeden Fall würde ich mich freuen, wenn jemand eine Zusammenfassung von dem Wochenende schreiben könnte.

Für Rückmeldungen auf meine Bugreports, ich werde die nächsten 3 bis 4 Wochen höchst wahrscheinlich nicht antworten können.