2015-12-02 13:30:10
2015-12-01 21:44:56
2015-12-01 21:44:56
Some things for polisching
@Friendica Support@Friendica Developers@UX Watchdogs
While working on unifying (polishing) some things I noticed some things to which I want to point. This is not only for developers. Most things are questions about how to make a good friendica graphical user interface:
*some notes to the page-types:
I think that the present logic behind the page-types is a little bit misleading. In the present state page types connects behavior(permissions) with a page-type (name). But it doesn't matter to the visitor if a forum is a community forum or a private group. In other cases it would be the same. A fan page would mean that it automatically have a certain right. It would be easier and cleaner to have different behavior (permission) roles which could be assigned to different types of pages.
So we could easily extend the list of page-types and could have something like "organization", or "institution".
(Note this are only some theoretical remarks if someone would find it interesting).
One more note. I wrote this post so that more people would have the chance to discuss this UI/UX things. More people would hopefully mean more ideas. If someone needs some pictures because he/she haven't acces to friendica developer installation I can provide them.
I have to say that I won't start any new big tasks this month. I wrote the whole last week on friendica. Everyday the whole day. Now I really, really need to get some very important afk stuff done.
While working on unifying (polishing) some things I noticed some things to which I want to point. This is not only for developers. Most things are questions about how to make a good friendica graphical user interface:
- We need a good interpretable translation for the different page types (fan account, community account and so on). They should make sense in all scopes of friendica. Would be cool if we get this until release. (Some thoughts about possible later development are at the bottom of this post)
- I'm not full satisfied how I integrate the account type in hcard/vcard. In the present state it will be right below the profile pic (in most themes a little bit bigger than the rest of the hcard/vcard infos but smaller than the profile name). Sometimes it looks a little big displaced. I would be grateful for suggestions.
- In most cases the title (pdesc) will be displayed in hcard/vcard (the title is displayed below the profile name and above the profile pic) . In some rarely other case it's not possible because the data comes form a different db table which doesn't have the info). My suggestion would be to that prominent places (like the top of the hcard/vcard) should only contain information we could provide. This would mean, that the title (pdesc) have move somewhere else. Input for this is welcome.
- @Michael Vogel created a new page which could display all posts of a contact (similiar to a filtered network stream). In the tabbar the user can swith to different other pages.
- I'm not sure if the naming status and profile would be a little bit misleading for the user. Status displays "Status Messages and Posts" while profile displays "Profile Details".
- The users come form the /contact page and select "Edit Contact" and arrives at a page with the name profile but in this page the profile infos of the contact aren't displayed nor it's something like the already known profile page
- The tab Status is a little bit misleading because it mostly displays post. I would rather expect the posts under the tab "profile" because I know this name from visiting a foreign "profile page"
- The users come form the /contact page and select "Edit Contact" and arrives at a page with the name profile but in this page the profile infos of the contact aren't displayed nor it's something like the already known profile page
- in the tabbar the tab links are from different quality. While "status", "profile", "repair" are content links (which let the user move to another page), "block", "readonly" and "archive" are action links (which perform an action to to the contact). It's very misleading to mix those both types. The action links should be available in the "contact edit" page but not as tab but as something like an action menu.
- I'm not sure if the naming status and profile would be a little bit misleading for the user. Status displays "Status Messages and Posts" while profile displays "Profile Details".
*some notes to the page-types:
I think that the present logic behind the page-types is a little bit misleading. In the present state page types connects behavior(permissions) with a page-type (name). But it doesn't matter to the visitor if a forum is a community forum or a private group. In other cases it would be the same. A fan page would mean that it automatically have a certain right. It would be easier and cleaner to have different behavior (permission) roles which could be assigned to different types of pages.
So we could easily extend the list of page-types and could have something like "organization", or "institution".
(Note this are only some theoretical remarks if someone would find it interesting).
One more note. I wrote this post so that more people would have the chance to discuss this UI/UX things. More people would hopefully mean more ideas. If someone needs some pictures because he/she haven't acces to friendica developer installation I can provide them.
I have to say that I won't start any new big tasks this month. I wrote the whole last week on friendica. Everyday the whole day. Now I really, really need to get some very important afk stuff done.
Michael Vogel
Concerning the content links vs. action links: You are totally right. Do you have any good solution? I haven't found any. And there are still missing actions (delete) and missing content links (suggest). I'm not sure how we can handle with this.
Concerning the page types you are right as well. We only have regular accounts and forums. And the regular accounts are having different rules for accepting contacts. Because of this I wouldn't like to expose these rules to other persons. So the profile page shouldn't tell these differences.
I agree that it could be interesting to have page types like "bot" or "organisation". We had to see how to to do that.
I would suggest that action have to be included somewhere in the "edit contact" page (now "profile page").
This would be one suggestion with the logic that this actions would be a part of editing a contact. (But maybe there are any better suggestions)
Absolutely right. Just one remark. The user should now if it's a forum or not (for vcard/hcard it differentiate between community forum and private group, but maybe I should change this). And for hcard/vcard I have added in addition to the forums the Fan Account (the logic was that a user should now if he/she couldn't interact with this account. But maybe I should I should also change this)
Michael Vogel
Regarding the Fan Account I thought users would not have the same rights. They would accepted as Fans not as Friends. I haven't used it so far. From my understanding a Fan is something different than a Friend. My intention was to give the user a visual notice if the account is something like an info channel (like the heise (inofficial) ) and not a regular account
Michael Vogel
The differance between "regular account" and "fan account" is more like Facebook vs. Google+. In Facebook the other person has to approve your contact request. On Google+ a person can follow you at every time.